If you don’t find what you want in “WHAT’S IN STOCK”, you can design your own perfect gift, whether it’s for someone else or a gift to yourself.

Do you want a mounted set of bottles or just a single?


If just a single, save the bottle(s) that you want to light up that special room.  When the bottle(s) is/are empty, take a picture of them and email phil@peacehomecreations.com to arrange delivery/shipping.  Rinse the bottle(s), make sure the labels don’t get wet, and turn them upside down to dry.


If you want mounted beer bottles, pick a base - wood or tile. (Beer bottles can be mounted on mirrors, but they don’t pop in quite the same way as wine bottles do on mirrors. If you do want to mount beer bottles on a mirror, they should be at least 1/2 liter or larger.)

If you want to use your own saved beer bottles, when the bottles are empty, take a picture in the sequence you want them mounted and email phil@peacehomecreations.com to arrange delivery/shipping. Also, include what type of base. Rinse the bottles, make sure the labels don’t get wet, and turn them upside down to dry.

If you want to use bottles from our inventory, click here go to the page with our current inventory of bottles.  Take a screen shot of each bottle to be included and in what sequence you want them mounted, and email phil@peacehomecreations.com.  Also, include what type of base.


If you want to use your own saved wine bottles, when the bottles are empty, take a picture in the sequence you want them mounted and email phil@peacehomecreations.com to arrange delivery/shipping. Also, include what type of base. Rinse the bottles, make sure the labels don’t get wet, and turn them upside down to dry. You can use a mix of one or two of your own bottles with bottles from our inventory.

It is possible to mount a pair of bottles if you don’t want to mount three of them. The style / shape / height of the bottles requires extra consideration when only mounting two.

If you want to add a sticker / logo, include a description of what you want to add to personalize your bottles.


If you want to mount liquor bottles, please email phil@peacehomecreations.com with your ideas of what you would like to mount. Depending on the style / shape of the bottles, this may or may not be possible to mount them.